Web Copywriting – A Tool of Marketing

First of all, I want to define what is met by web copywriting. Many people use this word without knowing its meaning and therefore mislead others. Web copywriting is copywriting for the web. This is as apposed as copywriting in the offline world such as in post office mail order.

Having said that, web copywriting has nothing to do with content writing. These are two different animals. Once upon the time, before the internet, the activity of copywriting was not much known except in advertisement agencies. Usually a copywriter would work for an agency or if he was a freelancer, he would have to be excellent.

Much has been written about copywriting. And there has been a growth in the professional development of that industry. With the Internet, we have seen the advent of what has been called web copywriting. Yet, whether copywriting is done online or offline, it is both a science and an art.

Web copywriting is a science

The science of copywriting is brought forth by the social sciences. Here we are talking about psychology, sociology, economics and marketing. The art aspect is characterized by human creativity, the ability to communicate and touch the sensitivity of others. People buy from those they like and trust. This apply as well in web copywriting.

Not everyone who has a website or a blog and writes some content is a web copywriter. What would that person be? A content writer. Not less important than the copywriter but yet the writing has different purpose. A journalist is a writer, but not a copywriter. As a web copywriter, you have a website, but next you need to have a product or service to offer.

 The web copywriting is a communication piece to your reader that explores his pains or challenges and presents a solution to them. It ends up with a call to action, that is, an order, a signature, since it is a letter and a P.S.

The Skills of Copywriting

When we speak about copywriting, what are we talking about? This seems to be an almost ridiculous question, but it isn’t. There are many kinds of writing. For example, novel writing is one of them. However, copywriting has nothing in common with novels. Those are totally different things.

Copywriting would be considered more likely as some form of commercial writing. Now, advertising is commercial writing, but is not copywriting. Writing advertisement requires different skills than copywriting. Writing an article is not copywriting. Many people are confused on that point and think that because they post an article in their blogs, they do copywriting, not so.

What is Copywriting?copywriter in ecstasy

The essential question is about intent. The question is why are you writing? The purpose of copywriting is to bring the reader to an action. And so this style of writing is not only commercial, but it is a tool of marketing, more specifically sales. In copywriting, you introduce a product and strive to convince the reader to take an action.

Whether you do copywriting in print, as on a mailed sales letter, or on a flyer or whether you do it on the web, the steps are identical. It’s not about the product. It’s not about the media. It’s about the person on the front of your communication piece. It’s about his or her needs and desires.

It is a human being who buys the product or service. There are some who are infatuated with the Internet and want to convince themselves that writing for the web is different from writing on print. I believe that this is not an accurate perspective. In fact, online marketing is complementary to offline marketing.

People have needs and desires. There are products and services out there that would offer a solution to them. In order to communicate the existence of these product, copywriting is done. Features and benefits of the product are presented.


Copywrite – The Form and the Art

Copywrite is a matter of practice. First let me say that you don’t need to be a genius or somebody like Ernest Hemingway. You don’t need to be a scholar or a PhD in literature. In fact that might hamper your accomplishment of great writing. The fact is that anyone can learn to copywrite.

Masters in the field were not born knowing how to copywrite. There are certain tools and principles to apply. If you know them, then you will know what makes a good copywriter. Next you will have to practice writing. It is all about how you learn, and what you use that makes the learning process effective.

The art of CopywriteYou copywrite in order to persuade someone to own a product or service that you provide. There are numerous places where you can get information that will help you to start an effective marketing campaign. Practicing the art of copywrite is what will help you make good copy. And there are many good methods available.

Copywrite – The expression of copywriting

Understand that in the field of copywrite, there are different styles of writing.  When we talk in terms of copywriting it is directly related to marketing. Another way to say it, is about commercial copywrite. This kind is totally different from writing a novel or writing poetry.

Copywrite is not a skill that you will be able to develop over the weekend. This is not something where you can surf the web, read a few articles and blog posts and think that “you’ve got it”. Learning this skill requires hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  

A master copywriter like Dan Kennedy is a multi-multi millionaire. He’s been at it since the 1970’s. Excellent copywrite pieces are the result of studying, practice and blood (figuratively). The kind of study is not what you do in college. It’s not even what you learn in a school of journalism.


Achieving Web Copywriting

Web copywriting is an exciting thing to do. But it can also have its challenges. What am I talking about when I use the phrase web copywriting? Well, first let’s define what is  copywriting. It’s not just about writing. Meaning a copywriter is not someone who writes. There is more to it than that.

There are different kinds of writing. For instance, you can write novels or romance, detective stories, books of non-fiction such as economics or politics. None of these are copywriting and they certainly aren’t like web copywriting.

Web copywriting is closely related to copywriting which is a form of marketing writing. You need to have a product or service to offer. You’ll need also a market to whom you can sell that product. Your copy is directed to that specific audience. In copywriting, you write in such a way that it persuades the reader of your market to purchase your product.

Web Copywriting needs to motive your reader

Besides persuasive writiWeb trafficng, you will need to guide your reader to take some action. Whether in print  or doing web copywriting, it is the same. You want your reader to click the button, to write down his name and address, and to pay you.

This is the call to action. Sometimes, it may not be the purchase of something. It can be to receive a free book or report or become a member of a list. But web copywriting always ends up with some form of action. You may see things like “limited supply” or “the offer is available only for a period of time.”

Such limitation is to give the reader a sense of urgency. Let’s face it, if the reader doesn’t take action now, he will never do so. Say the person is interested but thinks to himself, he’ll do it later, after feeding the dog, or after dinner.

After feeding the dog or after dinner, he might forget your offer and never buy it. So when it comes to web copywriting, there needs to be a sense of urgency in your piece.

Writing Web Copy – What Should You Know

 The Internet has completely changed the way business is being done. The web is the place where content became king. Writing web copy is an essential part of having a website. Today, mass marketing is affordable to both small and midsize companies.

The reason why writing web copy has become so important, is because the intensity of traffic is determined by the value offered by the website. The more traffic a website receives, the more supply of prospects the web copywriter will be able to tap into.woman writing web copy

Writing web copy is a valuable way of attracting an unlimited number of prospects who will either buy your product or service or will get the information that you provide. Content in a website needs to be constantly updated. And various kinds of writing web copy can be done such as email, case study, sales letter, etc.

When you write a web page, for example, a post in your blog, this is not writing web copy. It is “content”. This is a different kind of writing. This article is content. So what does writing web copy mean? It is a kind of writing intended to sell something with a call to action.

Writing Web Copy Is Writing In a Different Media

Some people believe that there is a difference between the traditional direct mail copy and writing web copy. This is an attempt to create a hype about the Internet. The fact is that writing web copy is exactly the same as a “sales copy” in a different media.

Once upon a time there was only one media, the print media. Copywriting was done in the print media. Then came the radio. Another media. Television, the web and so on, are other media. Writing web copy intends to sell a product to someone. People buy products.

If you want a TV, whether it’s advertised on the web, in your local paper, on radio, on TV, if the offer is interesting you will purchase it.


Introduction to Copywriting

Generally there are two reasons why someone would have a website. One is to sell a product or service and the other, is to provide information. In both cases copywriting is necessary.

There are different kinds of copywriting depending upon your purpose. A very traditional meaning of the word copywriting applies to sales letters or otherwise known as direct response letters.

You will find sales letters both offline and online. In fact the Internet is a media of communication. In the offline world, copywriting is done for mail sales presentation. A product or service is being presented with features which are characteristics of the product. And then benefits are introduced.

The Art and Science of Copywriting

The sales letter is the sales pitch for the product. It usually is a pretty long letter that ends by a call to action. This is where, in the copywriting piece, you are asked to make an order. You have been given a numerous amount of benefits of the product, and now make an order.

CopywritingDoing effective copywriting is an art and a science. You can read many books about copywriting. The great ones in the industry have written much about it. Reading about copywriting is certainly helpful, but will not make you a writer. You might want to think in terms of science.

Reading about copywriting is a presentation of how to do copywriting. The author will point out to you general elements. It’s like reading about driving, it will not make you a driver. To be a driver you’ll need to get behind the wheel and be guided by a mentor and drive away.

The reality of copywriting is to sit and write. In fact, can anyone become a writer? The answer is yes. It doesn’t matter your gender, color or age. Everyone can write. It all has to do with practice.

The 3 Tips on How to do Copywriting

How to do copywriting is a question that many people ask. Content is an essential part of the search engine optimization. This is specially true if you are new in business.  There are millions of websites in the world of Internet. Your website is like a match in the Atlantic ocean.

Writing skills is certainly a part of how to do copywriting, but it is not the only one. Your writing has to address a specific audience.

Market Research is critical to How to do copywriting

The first tip, is to know your customer. How to do copywriting is a matter of communication. You need to write to a specific target. What are you selling? I am sure you can answer that. You know all about your product.rose

But good marketing is not about your product. It’s about your marketing. That is the needs of your customers. This is what defines how to do copywriting. In copywriting you communicate with your market, providing what they need.

Sales Letters

The second tip, is about providing your potential customers what they need. One easy way to do that, is to ask them. Surveys can be a very effective way of knowing your customers. This is how to do copywriting. It’s about answering their needs and wants.

Sometimes, you know your customers need something. But that’s not what they want. They will always go for what they want.

Persuasive copywriting

The third tip on how to do copywriting is to be persuasive. Writing persuasively is essential to motivate your prospect to own your product.

How to write successful copy and be proud of your achievement

There are people who really hate writing. They would rather do anything but that. Successful copy is an attitude of the mind.  From the time we were children we have been misled to think of this mysterious thing called “talent”. Some people believe that they don’t have the talent for writing and therefore they can’t write a successful copy for their website.

Rain MakerTalents are really things that we make happen in ourselves. We have to decide that we like writing and we’ll be great at it. Successful copy begins with an attitude of the mind, but then it has to start by doing the first step which is research. When you write about a product or service, you need to do research.

Successful copy is about marketing

Successful copy requires you to have a good knowledge on the subject at hand. In addition to that, you’ll also need to know your market. Marketing is the driving force behind your writing. The question is not how can you sell your product or service, but rather, does your market want it. If it doesn’t want it, you’ll never be able to accomplish a successful copy.

Therefore, your point of focus has to be on the market. By doing your customer research, you’ll be able to identify your target and you’ll be able to write a very successful copy.  Too many people start their marketing strategy at the wrong end of the rope.

In order to write successful copy, consistency is necessary. Writing every day will help you develop the skill of writing.

Professional Copywriting

Professional copywriting is a vague expression for most people. Obviously everyone knows what is a writer. But then, what is a copywriter?

vague expressionThe meaning of the word has not changed for the last seventy five years. But it has expanded considerably. There are various shades in the meaning of professional copywriting. A basic definition would be writing that is persuasive enough to motivate someone to take an action. We all have read the work of copywriters.

We can distinguish two different styles of professional copywriting. One, would be for the offline marketing while the other  would be for the web. Both styles are different. It is true that there some basic commonalities.

The writer writes to people who have needs and wants. Yet the media is different. In the offline marketing, a professional copywriter would write a sales letter. Generally, in copywriting one does not write articles, nor advertisements. The copy is specifically for sales.

We all have received in the mail envelopes containing, well what we usually call “junk mail”.  Oh! But are they really junk? See, year after year we receive them in our mail box. It’s because people read them and act upon them.

The sales package offers a product or service. There could be many different pieces in the envelope. But there is a main page which  would be the sales page. It’s usually a very long, long letter. It may talk about a product or service. It will usually mention the problems that people encounter and how this product has helped them.

The end of the professional copywriting letter always finishes with an offer. The product cost so much, and order now. There is usually a bonus or two being offered. Then you will see a section for the customer to put his name and address.

The professional copywriter will always have a guarantee and a telephone number, perhaps a fax number too. The writer who wrote this letter is a copywriter. There is knowledge and skill being applied. The intention of this writing is to request a prospect to fill up the information and make payment.


Is the writing in your website effective?

Most of us have heard the saying “Content is King.”  You have a business website and rush to write. Most of us feel that they know how to write and they put articles in their site like crazy.

The fact is that writing is both a skill and an art. There are different styles of writing. This is very true for the Web. There should be sales pages and informational pages.

If you look at the majority of pages on websites they are informational. Informational writing is close to the style of writing we have learned about in school. It is like the editorial content written in magazine.

There is another kind of writing for website that is persuasive. In this style of Effective writingwriting, the writer intends to drive the reader to a specific action, buy the product, ask for more information, get a free report, etc.

This style of writing requires a certain kind of skill that is totally different from even good content writers. The fact is, the Web is a direct response medium. It is where you expect things to happen.

Think about it. Your company has a website. Someone comes and visits your home page for the first time. The visitor takes a look and leaves. What happened? Your page has failed.

Your home page failed because the words failed to make the reader click another page.

Unless your website specifically intends to provide information, the “click” is everything.