Choosing Your New Guard Dog

There are hundreds of dog breeds out there for choosing your new guard dog. And for someone who has never owned a dog before or even someone who has kept them for pets, but not as guards, and doesn’t know which breed to pick, this may be a daunting task.

German Sheperd Guard Dog

Each breed has its own unique traits, therefore a mix is probably the best choice. But first of all, let’s decide which characteristics you want in the dog that will be your companion for many years to come. Some people require dogs to guard their family, others their livestock. Other times, the dog will be used as a pointer and retriever, or perhaps a dog to track the trail of an animal.

What Guard Dog is Best for You?

Starting with guard dogs, there are three types of such animals. Dogs that sound the alarm by barking when they hear an intruder, those that take matters into their own paws when guarding a home, and those that guard livestock.

Chihuahua great alarm guard dogAlarm dogs are typically small breeds, but they also have fantastic hearing, such as Chihuahuas, Terriers, and the like. Which breed, depends on the natural training and how loyal the dog is. Such dogs, of course, do not do well outdoors or in a barn, and therefore are better for homes with plenty of human attention.

Those that guard your home, by their fearsome attitude and large size, are fantastic deterrents. These include too many breeds to list, and range from 75 to 250 pound dogs. The most common of these are German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Boxers, Mastiffs, and American bulldogs. All of these guard dogs must be trained well in order to avoid unnecessary attacks. For some this may come naturally, but others may get into trouble without it. German Shepherds have been the iconic breed for this use, they are easily trained, friendly, and are hardy, not having any special needs as a puppy, or several years from now as an old dog.

Bulldog as a Guard Dog

Exotic pets

Most people who have pets are those who have the usual dogs and cats and perhaps birds.  Pets are normal parts of people’s lives; it isn’t at all unusual for a person to have a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, or even a frog at home. However, some people aren’t content with just having these common domesticated animals as pets. There are some who really have the exotic pets. And so today, we will explore two types of exotic pets. 

The first one is rather strange that people would have it. Yet, different strokes for different folks.  Alligators are the most dangerous of the exotic pets. It is a crocodilian, which comes from the family of Alligatoridae.  The name was derived from Anglicization of a Spanish word, which was used by Spanish explorers who were settled in Florida, United States. Alligators are found mostly in America and China.  You will find such exotic pets in people backyard in Florida.

Exotic pets can be good friends

Exotic petsWhen you study exotic pets, it is a good idea to keep in mind that they are animal kept as  pets and not commonly thought of as a pet. Another definition of exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal kept as a pet. There are many features of alligators that distinguish them from crocodiles and both of them belong to different taxonomic families. Alligators have a broader snout and their eyes are located near the upper side. These are important characteristics.

Another exotic pets to consider is the Bobcats. Bobcats are small cats belonging to North America. They inhabit the wood areas and deciduous forests stretching from west to southeast America and Mexico. Some even occupy parts of south Canada. They have a small body structure. Their fur is of color yellowish brown or reddish brown with black or dark brown stripes. They have noticeably long ears with black tips. Their weight ranges from twenty four to thirty five pounds. I must point out that they are very beautiful animals.

Ducks as Pets

DucksDucks as pets are fascinating creatures, no doubt. Their eggs are larger than a chicken’s and higher in protein content, making them fantastic for cakes and pastries. They can also resist many diseases chickens are prone to, although they don’t do well in extreme heat without a pond, which isn’t normally required.  Their higher price, compared to chickens, is well worth it in many ways.

Ducks as pets to have fun

Many breeds of ducks as pets are now available for home raising, for eggs, meat, pets or all three. The white Pekin fits into all these categories. They can lay up to 210 eggs a year per bird, grow over 8 pounds, and have a personality that is not even close to a chicken’s. Often, their name is confused as ‘peking’ which is actually the name of the Chinese dish made from the roast duck, not the breed itself. Bred especially for quick growth and large size, it’s close relative, Jumbo Pekins are also sold.

DuckFor eggs, no duck can beat a Khaki Campbell, laying a possible 280 eggs yearly with added light, they are also good mothers. Along with their egg-laying habits, come their lightweight appearance. So when scared, or chased by a predator, they may fly off. Fortunately, ducks as pets have a strong flocking instinct and will come back around to their friends once the danger has passed.

Another great breed that have been used by gardeners for many years are runner ducks. They come in black, chocolate, blue, and in fawn and white. All of them have the unique upright position, making them better at foraging, running, and even being herded, which is what they were bred for. Foraging in gardens and finding their own food. They won’t mess with your plants, but will eat and slugs or other insects you may have. The downside is that you’ll have to wait until the plants are large enough, otherwise they may get trampled on.

 Duck Family


Many people have experiences blackouts. Some consider them an annoying interruption, often accompanied by some sort of disaster, such as a hurricane or snowstorm. To others, it is a peaceful respite from a normally hectic life. Whatever your opinion, it is still necessary to prepare for them. One should normally wait a minute or two after the lights shut off before acting, as they may turn on again.

Depending on your needs, and the nature or the disaster which caused the blackout, your priorities may be different. Even before hooking up your generator, if you are lucky enough to have one, and enough gas to run it, often, what is needed first of all is lightning. Usually this will be in the form of flashlights or electric camping lanterns. Both of these use batteries quickly, and bulbs do not last long. The best and most efficient of these are also the most expensive.

Led FlashlightLEDs or Light Emitting Diodes, are the newest generation of flashlights, and not only last longer than their conventional counterparts, but shed more light, providing a less stressful environment for your eyes, and may also give you a chance to read. Furthermore, they are waterproof to a certain degree.

Other types of flashlights such as those you shake, crank, or charge in the sun are just gadgets and should not be relied on in an emergency.

Then,Candles there are more primitive forms of lighting, mostly involving fire. The most common, but also the most dangerous of these are candles.  Candles are cheap, easily found at any 99 cent store, or at an after Christmas sale. Those enclosed in glass are the safest, as once abruptly moved they extinguish themselves.  Despite this there are many hazards with candles, and they should always be paid attention too. Candlesticks are the most dangerous of these as, if they tip over, they will continue burning.  In regards to oil lamps, many large stores sell small 24-hour oil lamps cheaply, these are as safe as pillar candles due to their wide shape will not fall over easily.

Pizza Anyone? And Easy Way to Make It

After traveling from Italy and gaining it’s popularity in the early 19th century, pizza is perhaps one of the most common prepared foods around today. Contrary to many opinions, it is indeed healthy, carrying the ingredients people often eat, but don’t assemble. Pizza

Equal to some sandwiches like Grilled Cheese, with bread, tomato, cheese and sometimes meat, in it’s basic form, pizza contains the crust, sauce, and cheese.

The simplest recipe for a pizza crust is flour, water, and yeast. All-purpose, whole wheat, and bread flour work well. The same things used in Italian bread. A pinch of sugar also helps in activating the yeast. Other ingredients such as salt, cornmeal, and oil are optional.

Kneaded together and left to rise in a warm place, it is then flattened out and a layer of tomato sauce added, leaving a small outer ring of crust exposed for a crispy border. Some stores also carry them without an edge, and those with thicker ones for deep-dish pizzas.

The sauce, composed of diced and puréed tomatoes may also have many components with it’s spices, and occasionally minced vegetables, each type with different combinations.

Tomatoes, a close relative to potatoes and both members of the nightshade family, are toxic to dogs, cats, and many other animals. So while they might beg for a taste, it should not be given.

Toppings may simply include a certain amount of cheese, extra cheese of many flavors, garlic, onions, pulled chicken, olives, or any other meat and vegetables.