Tag Archives: copywriters

How to Write a Sizzling Headline

The most important part of a blog is the headline, also called the title of yourSizzling Headline article. You may have a fantastic idea that you want to share with the world, but if no one reads it, it will be lost for all eternity. Your headline is the most important phrase in your blog post.

A good title will grab and hold the attention of your readers. It will entice them into reading. The headline is the first thing that your visitor will see, therefore it is critical that it’s written in a way that motivates your prospect to click on it.

Not all headlines are the same. Creating one for a blog is different from a sales letter, or a newsletter, or magazine article. The audience is not only different but it’s intended for another objective. This is the common challenge that people who write their blog have: they have no idea on how to create a powerful, inviting headline.

One way to start by writing the title of your blog is by finding out what problems your audience has. Generally people have issues and they are looking for a solution. They may have a health problem, or want to know how to change the cartridge of their printer, or what is the most fuel efficient car.

You’ve got to write for both readers and spiders

Give to your reader the answer to their problems. Figure out what people are searching for. This is where keywords come into play. There are some who say you need to write for people and not the search engine. That is partially true. You should write to communicate ideas to other human beings. But, the spider which is a computer program, is the one who has to read your article and distribute it to an audience.

You want the search engine to send your blog post to the right audience. So write for both people and the search eSeagull -  350 -oNYuIIcngine. In trying to write a headline, you can investigate what is trending today. If your post addresses a trend, you can see what other writers say in their titles.

When you write a blog post, you really have two purposes. First of all, the most important for you, is to improve your website performance. You want traffic and convergence. And secondly, you want to give value to your readers so they perceive you as their savior.

You need to write the title of your blog in a clear and concise fashion. Don’t try to be clever. I have encountered many companies who want writers to write clever articles. That kind of thinking doesn’t fly among a very sophisticated audience, be it consumer or business.

The title of your blog post needs to exactly match a search engine query, be clear, and offer some benefits or promises. You could even include numbers such as “5 Linkedin Marketing “Tips” and “Tricks” or “3 Ways to …” It has been found that people prefer to read about something specific as opposed to an open-ended subject.

Consider this headline “Which Superhero Are You? PlayBuzz” and ask yourself if it is clear. By reading it, do you know what it’s all about? No. Does it offer a benefit? No. There is no such thing as a “Superhero”. You have problems in your life, you want a solution, and you have no tolerance for embellishment. This headline may be considered clever by some, but offers no promises.

When you write the title of your blog, your readers should know up-front what the article is all about. Include in it benefits, use “how to, why, 4 tips for… etc”. And finally, remember to include your keywords in the body of the article.

Video Marketing For Business – Best Way to Promote Your Business

Video marketing is a strategy that few businesses have ever heard of, and even fewer take advantage of it. It is not about replacing sales letters, emails, or blog posting. Online videos offer another mode of communication. In the Bible, there is a quote I believe that says that there is nothing new under the sun.

Online Video B2BSix hundred years ago most people relied on visuals for their communication. Buildings were built to provide a message. For example, cathedrals were built with very high peaks to express man’s desire to reach the heavens. Castles gave a sense of power and protection. Statues were bringing biblical characters alive. Paintings communicate various scenes.

With the discovery of the printing press, the written word emerged as the form of communication. To a great extent, we still are in this stage. But also, in the second half of the twentieth century and twenty first century, our society is being drowned in the world of pictures to communicate messages. And this is where video marketing starts to shine.

New exciting way to show off your business

The Internet has revolutionized the way we do business. Even the way we communicate with our clients has changed compared to what it was 50 years ago. In all kind of industries, you will find from small to midsize to large companies, an attempt to capture the attention of their prospects. You can be do that with video marketing. It is a tool that ultimately persuade the viewer to action.

Online video marketing is on the rise and it’s proving itself to be a very effective way to communicatue with your prospects or clients. It is one of the most effective methods to talk to your prospective stakeholders and help them develop a better idea about your offerings. According to a research by Forrester Research videos were 50 times more likely to receive an organic first page ranking than traditional text pages.

Online Video MarketingAdvantage Of Online Video Marketing

You can use video marketing for various collaterals. For instance, you can develop a video as a sales letter to present your product or service. You can also have videos to explain how your product works. Tech companies use this method for their software programs. And you can use it for services. You can find videos that teach how to effectively use Clickbank.

You can build brand awareness by using video marketing. This kind of video would be close to the regular TV commercials, yet at a much, much lower cost. Do you have case studies of your products? You can put them in an ebook, or videos. It’s really about the audience. You give the audience the choice of media they prefer.

Beauty of video marketing

The beauty of video marketing, is that you don’t have to host them on your site. Doing that would consume a lot of bandwidth and would be expensive. But you can host your videos on YouTube. Are you taking advantage of them? No. You offer YouTube–which is owned by Google–content and in return they’ll give you traffic. Isn’t it wonderful?

As a business concern, you want to offer various materials to your visitors and clients. You offer online videos to advance the success of your business. With the average internet user watching videos on a daily basis, it only makes sense to add videos to your online marketing strategy. It is an excellent tool to generate interest and leads.

You might wonder how complicated is it? After all, you’re operating a business and you are not a Hollywood studio. A copywriter can help you and remove that kind of anxiety. Depending upon how a video is used and how it looks, you can have screencast or talking heads, motion graphics or even the new very hot hand animated videos.

Most people have learned of the need of search engine optimization in their copies, whether they write an article or post a blog. But very few know that in video marketing you need to optimize your video. Remember, Youtube is Google and it is the second biggest search engine tool. So you want them to find your videos. If you use a copywriter to write and direct the production of your video, make sure that he knows how to optimize your video.

Copywriting Services – Various benefits

One of the most important aspects of having a successful online business is to have traffic. This would be generated through high quality content that you can get from copywriting services. A lot of content in your site means a strong web presence. As a business owner you may have a lot of good ideas about your products or services. Help for putting all this content in a consistence fashion on your site is available.

A Google search will quickly reveal that there are literally thousands of copywriting services available to use for your online business. However, you need to keep in mind that a good copywriter service will try to get to know your audience. It’s not all about writing and putting a lot of things in your site. It is about adding worthwhile, relevant content that offers value to your audience.

Copywriting services that businesses need

The important thing about copywriting services is to see if their interest is focused on what they can do for you or what benefits they can offer you.

You may not know how to present yourself to your target market in a manner that appeals to their intellect and emotions. Which is why your writer has to be able to fill the gap for you. First and foremost, copywriting is about selling.

Therefore, when you consider copywriting services, watch if the writer tries to go inside the heads of your target customers. The writing is not all about words in the web site, rather, it’s about persuading your prospect to own the product or service that you are offering. Crafting the copy has to speak to the demographics of your market.

When you look for copywriting services, try to see if they will also do SEO. Remember, a copywriter does not necessarily have to write according to the search engine optimization (SEO). That’s another kind of service, and it will cost you extra.


Copywriters generally work in two basic industries, either for agencies or businesses.  Many people in this field begin with agencies. Some move away and venture as freelance copywriters. In large corporations you may find copywriters in the marketing department. Often these companies hire also freelancers. This happens specially in the B2B copywriting.

There are different goals that copywriters may follow. In the offline direct response copywriting, there is the tradition of beating the control. What does that mean? Let’s say that a company is selling a particular product, and has a very well performing sales letter. The challenge would be if there is a copywriter out there that can write a copy that exceed the convergence of the current letter.

Copywriters have to know the market

The fact is that copywriters do not know if a sales letter will sell the product or not. Copywriting is in that sense a very scientific specialization. Copywriters perform sometimes complicated mathematics to know if their copy sells the product or not. This mathematics  is called split-testing and is based on probability. Result is the final determining judge.

In the history of copywriting, there are many cases where copywriters have written sales letters that might not be clever at all, yet these have been extremely successful. It is indispensable for the copywriter to know who he is writing to.  There are some copywriters who just sit and write and write without knowing who they’re writing to. They don’t know the target market.

There are certain things that copywriters need to do to accomplish a great job. First, they need to know the product. Spending time with the product in indispensable. They need to have the product in their hand, to task, smell it, hear it, feel it. They have to understand the product. What does it do? How does it work? Copywriters have to understand the market and what problems the product solves.